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The Successful Mark of E light Hair Removal

Racher Cheng 2016-08-17 10:56:39
With the continuous development of medical plastic surgery, the birth of E light hair removal technology, let a lot of people have successful experience the joy of E light beauty equipment hair removal. But there are some people hesitating to use E light beauty machine, the reason is the effect of E light hair removal.

Whether E light hair removal or OPT, all need to see the effect for the first time. Especially commitment to a few times to achieve the result of permanent hair removal, is very important. So how to judge whether E light hair removal became a success is what every people who recieve instrument depilation pay attention to.

What kinds of situation will happen after E light hair removal treatment?

1. Some hair that are not shaved will roll up, others may seem nothing changed.

2. Some of the hair at the treatment site clean will fall down, others after a few days or weeks away.

3. Some of the growth period hair is very easy to pull out by tweezers, recommended patients own pluck by tweezers within four weeks after the first treatment.

4. Some of the hairs become brittle, when plucking will be broken. In some cases, second treatment will be more easy than first treatment to pluck hair.

5. A slight reddening of the skin, but not the same shape like the light guide, there is a smell of burning hair;

6, dark-skinned crowd reactions will be late for 24 hours.