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Textile Industry Plays An Important Role in the Development of National Economy and Society 2016-03-29 11:43:32
China's economic development has got into the new normal, experiencing new kinetic energy into pain, but there is no change for the steady development of China's economic fundamentals.China's new industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization was deepened, strong domestic market demand, economic development has great potential, toughness, room for manoeuvre, structural reform is deepening, China's economic outlook is bright.Xi jinping stressed that the general secretary to strengthen supply side structural reform, the key is to promote effectively dissolve excess production capacity, promote industrial optimization restructuring, reduce the enterprise cost, the development of strategic emerging industries and modern service industry, increase the supply of public products and services, and strive to improve the quality and efficiency of the supply system, to better meet people's needs, promote social productivity level in our country to realize the overall jumped, enhance the sustained growth momentum.

Recently, gansu delegation held a group meeting, review the government work report.For gansu, gansu provincial bad nono representative said, must, in accordance with requirements of the government work report, effective investment to steady growth, the key role of restructuring can tap potential, steady growth, employment, livelihood of the people."Twelfth five-year" period, the average annual economic growth of 10.5% in gansu province, the general public budget revenue grew by an average of 16% a year, the new urban employment in more than 400000 people every year, the income of urban and rural residents average annual growth of 11.5% and 11.5% respectively.Gansu province CPPCC held in January this year, bad nono issued "much starker choices-and graver consequences-in" period in gansu province economic growth expectations - 7.5%.

Wei-ping liu said, "looking back on it, this arrangement based on the adaptive grasp leads the new normal, considering the speed, quality and efficiency, combining the gansu province to speed up the process of build a well-off society in an all-round way, the needs and possible, completely in line with the central spirit."He said, "our demand in many areas still have potential to release space. Gansu province light industry federation, the provincial garment association deputy secretary-general Yang Hexiong that textile industry is the traditional pillar industry in our country, the important industry of the people's livelihood and the creation of new international advantages of industry, science and technology is, clothing and fashion fusion of consumer and industrial industries, to beautify the lives of the people, drive the related industries, stimulating domestic demand growth, construction of ecological civilization, strengthen cultural self-confidence, promote social harmony plays an important role.

Gansu province as the relatively backward western region, we need to rely on market forces and state planning guide light industrial transformation and upgrading of textile and garment industry, develop the light industry textile clothing industry is expected to change the gansu economy, stimulating economic growth in gansu province is of great significance and far-reaching.Although the international financial crisis, domestic and international situation is very complicated and the development of the textile industry facing the increasing risk challenges.At the same time also want to see, in the next five years, our country is in a critical period of build a well-off society in an all-round way, this basic fact determines the textile industry is still in the important period of strategic opportunities can go a long way.

The people for material and cultural life of the new look forward to better, deepen industrialization development between interconnected, textile and other industries will continue to provide more broad development space for the textile industry, industry have to achieve higher levels of development.The planning of textile industry much starker choices-and graver consequences-in development focus on the future five years strategic development, under the background of build a well-off society in an all-round way, inside and outside of the new situation at home and abroad, industry has made a more scientific and detailed judgment, and based on this, advances the strive to create, independent brands and sustainable development of science and technology and talent new advantages, improve industry core competitiveness, to realize the big teams, win the competition power construction requirements of the initiative.

This will effectively guide the textile industry is more overall and proactively identify development situation, clarify development ideas, to grasp the development direction, clear development tasks, to promote the industry to actively adapt to the new changes of the situation and seize the important period of strategic opportunities in the next five years, realize the new development of the higher level has the vital significance.As a basic consumer goods industry, the textile industry in build a well-off society in an all-round way of the career, always in a leading position, and play a important role in people's livelihood and the role of advantage in the international cooperation and competition.

With target to build a well-off society in an all-round way, the national economic and social gain new development and improve people's quality of life demands, to a higher level of industrialization development, emerging industries rise will not shake the position and role of the textile industry in the national economy, it will make the textile industry get more plenty of endogenous innovation development."Much starker choices-and graver consequences-in" will lead the industry development planning unified thought, unified action, adhere to the implementation of strategy to build a well-off society in an all-round way, determined to build textile power of belief and confidence, to guide and promote the industry much starker choices-and graver consequences-in planning according to the country put forward the ideas and requirements, the implementation of the development task, make the transition from large to strong, ensure that the textile industry to build a well-off society in an all-round way should play the important role of the business.