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Environmental protection shopping bag printing problems

2016-11-25 09:33:49
Non-woven environmental handbags not only for the convenience of the shopper, you can also take the opportunity to re-sell the product or brand. A fine handbag will be very attractive, even if the bag printed with eye-catching trademarks or advertising, customers will be happy to re-use. Therefore, as a bag manufacturer, but also to strictly control the production process of printing problems for customers and consumers to provide high-quality handbag.

How can we print in line with public demand for environmentally friendly handbags? This requires our handbag manufacturers in the printing process to grasp the printing process Note:

One of the most common problems is that environmental protection handbags printing ink as pure water system, do not ink and alcoholic and solvent-based ink mixed with ink or add organic solvents, so as not to cause printing quality problems. Ink should exist indoors, at room temperature in the 5 ℃ -50 ℃ degrees Celsius. Use, the use of stirring bar to the ink in the bucket, stir well, measure the viscosity of the inverted ink tank. If the viscosity is too high or too low, you can add thinner or thickener to adjust. Printing process due to the evaporation of water, will lead to increased ink viscosity and PH value decreased, PH value should be controlled between 8.5-9.5, if beyond this range, PH stabilizer can be used to adjust to maintain the viscosity and PH value of the stability .

In general, the ink is very suitable for high-speed printing handbag printing, low-speed printing in the case of drying speed is too fast or poor printing results, can add a certain percentage of slow-drying agent. After printing the remaining ink should be collected back to the corresponding original barrel or the ink tank cover the lid to prepare for the next use, beware of water evaporation caused by ink surface conjunctiva, thickening or even dry. The ink remaining on the printing set after printing can be cleaned with a cleaning agent before it is completely dried.

Non-woven environmental protection bag is a kind of environmentally friendly and cost-effective packaging bags, often in the upper body of the bag sewn two handles to facilitate carrying. As the low-cost non-woven bags, diverse styles, more and more popular with the public, so become the most common kind of handbag.